Dental implants are an excellent solution for missing teeth, allowing you to smile again in confidence while regaining the function of your teeth and the health of your oral well-being overall.
Our practice in New Albany, IN, can complete the final part of the multi-phase procedure: restoration. Restoration is the completion of the process by the addition of an abutment and dental crown or dental bridge. Below you will find more information about a single implant, using a dental crown, and an implant-supported bridge, utilizing a custom bridge appliance.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office today! If you have an implant post that needs restoration or an implant that needs a crown or bridge replacement, call today and schedule your FREE implant consultation!
A single implant is designed to replace a single missing tooth. This procedure will begin at another office with an oral surgeon where implant placement will be planned, and the titanium post will be embedded into the jawbone. After a period of healing for three to six months, you will visit us for the restoration phase.
The restoration process will involve the addition of an abutment to the implant post; the abutment serves the purpose of connecting the post to the dental crown. We will then take impressions to develop the perfect dental crown that matches the shape, size, and color of surrounding teeth. Once the crown has been cemented into place over the abutment, the entire implant procedure is complete. Each piece works together to replace the entire natural tooth structure and simulate the look and feel of a healthy, natural tooth.
If you already have a crown, but it is broken or needs to be replaced, we can handle that problem as well! Simply visit us for the FREE consultation, and we will take impressions to develop your new crown.
An implant-supported bridge is very similar to a traditional bridge, but instead of the bridge being secured to your natural teeth after they’ve been reshaped and contoured, the bridge is attached to dental implants. This means that sacrificing the health of your natural teeth is not necessary. The beginning of this process requires an oral surgeon to place implants on either side of your smile gap; this can be three or more missing teeth in a sequence. Once these implants are placed and healed, you can visit us, and we will develop a custom bridge to fit your needs. A bridge appliance is made from multiple dental crowns that have been fused together; the center crowns fill the gap while the crowns on the outer ends of the prosthetic slip over the abutment and are cemented into place. If you have a damaged or broken bridge, call our office today, and we will have the appliance fixed or create a new one.
Our office is happy to have the opportunity to make patients smile again with dental implants. Upon having the procedure finalized, our favorite part is seeing the look on their face when they see the difference that dentistry can make! Not only do implants improve confidence, but they bring back the freedom for patients to eat the foods they love again. If you’re interested in getting dental implants, call our office, and we can refer you to an oral surgeon. Once your implants have been placed, we will be delighted to begin the restoration process and restore your smile to its former glory.